What Damages Can I Receive in My Auto Accident Claim?

Have you been recently injured in an auto accident while driving the streets of West Virginia? You should be thinking about filing an injury claim against the other driver who caused your crash. The purpose of your injury claim is to receive compensation to pay for your damages. Otherwise, you could be stuck footing the bill.

Damages You Can Demand in Your Injury Claim

  • Medical costs: The largest ticket item on your economic damages list will likely be any medical costs associated with your injury. Emergency medical services, hospitalization, rehabilitation, special medications, therapies, and more can all be included.
  • Vehicle repairs: If your car was totaled, the responding insurance company will lowball its value, if they accept liability at all. Your claim can demand a fairer value for the car so it can be replaced with a new vehicle of similar size, performance, etc.
  • Lost wages: Missing work due to an injury can put a huge dent in your finances. Even if your job gives you paid disability leave, it won’t be as much as you could have earned if you had not been injured at all.
  • Noneconomic damages: Any damage you experience that can’t be simply tracked on paper or with receipts is noneconomic damage. Common examples of noneconomic damages are pain and suffering, emotional scarring, and loss of companionship if you lose a loved one in an accident. Noneconomic damages are usually calculated by taking all economic damages and multiplying them by a factor deemed reasonable by a personal injury attorney. To this end, your noneconomic damages could very well be the largest kind of damage you demand in your claim.

How Much of Your Damages Can You Collect?

West Virginia is an at-fault state when it comes to auto accident liability. It also uses a system of fair liability to determine what percentage of damages should be paid by what party. In other words, the more the other driver was found to be at-fault for your accident, the more their insurance company should provide you in damages.

Get Help from Trusted Legal Professionals

Sutton & Janelle, PLLC in Berkeley County stands proudly with the wrongfully injured of West Virginia. Our attorneys have more than 70+ years of combined legal experience that we can put to good use for you and your auto accident claim. You should not be the one to suffer financially for the physical, mental, and emotional suffering another driver has caused you. When you let us represent you throughout your injury claim, you can rest while we go for every penny of compensation you deserve.

Call us at (304) 867-0049 or contact us online for more information about our legal services.